Friday, 18 March 2011


allergies...what's that???
allergies @ alahan is a situation when.....
alar,malas lah nk bout if u find it urself in dictionary/ maybe u can ask ur doctor..heheh:p
hurm...FYI i mmg ade alahan..alahan dgn mknn n dust...
mmg truk sgt smpai i kne wat operation kt Hosp Tawakal mse form 4 sbb msalah nie...
at that point i mmg tepakse wat operate sbb dah x thn sgt skt kpale...
cube korunk bygkan i tepakse blajar mse PMR dulu dgn rse skt kpale yg amt skt sgt..
plg truk bile time sujud...omg!!!berat giller kpale nie...
n the most uncomfortable is i had the flu all the time..urgh!!!
kpd saper2 yg knal i mmg dorg tau bersin i sgt pelik bunyinya.....
huh!bajet comel plak...hahahhahahah:P
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okay...4 those yg ade mslh alahan cam sye...the best way is u must b'PANTANG...
b'pntg dr ape???well,b'dsrkan mklmt yg sye dpt mse tonton MHI,org yg ade alahan must avoid from eating seafood(especially kerang,ketam,udang n sotong),kekacang n telur...


  1. bersin yang paling menarik kat sekolah..
    yana, piqa n neddy.. tapi aku pnye bnyk kne kutuk ar

  2. hahahahaha...btol2
    awk punye yg plg pelik neddy...seriously kte takut dgr awk n buddy bersin..hahaha:P.
